Friday, September 10, 2010

Can you please take this dress off of me right now...

Those were the last words I said to my dress.  Yes, my dress. Yes, the dress I will wear on my wedding day.  

Today is a big day for me.  It's my final dress fitting.  It isn't a big deal because I'm worried about getting overly emotional when I put it on, or because I'm worried about fitting into it, or because I'm worried about not liking it anymore.  It's a big deal because the last time I had it on, I almost fainted.

It seemed like a normal, boring dress fitting (not that I had ever been to one...).  I was standing and standing and standing, listening to the 87 year old seamstress reminisce about her wedding day, while she was pinning and pinning and pinning.  Suddenly, I began feeling antsy.  I was overcome with an intense desire to do anything but stand still.  As I tried to mentally escape and coach myself through the issue, I began feeling light headed.  When my eyes would blink, it would take a few seconds for the scene to come back into full focus. As I was trying to figure out what was happening, I caught a glance of myself in the mirror, except it wasn't me.  It was a ghost of me, or at least that's what it looked like.   (And just so you know, I wasn't locking my knees...)

At that point, I knew I needed to sit down.  Trying not to give anything away, I calmly asked if I could take a seat.  Without hesitation and without looking up from her pin pile, Miss 87 pulled over a chair and kept pinning away.  As she reached the end of a section, she looked up and although she already knew the answer, she immediately began asking how I was feeling.  By this point, I was over the dizzy spell, but was now feeling like someone had tied a rubber band around my chest..,not feeling well at all!  Next thing I know, there are three ladies in my room.  Miss 87 with a glass of water, another lady with a makeshift fan, and another with a hundred questions.  While I appreciated all of the gestures, the reality of the situation was that I felt like I couldn't breathe in the dress! At that point, I just wanted it off!  "Can you PLEASE take this dress off of me right now?", I exclaimed!

And that was pretty much the last I saw my dress.  Don't misunderstand me, I was NOT having a Carrie Bradshaw moment (Sex and the City season 4: Carrie has a panic attack and breaks out in hives while trying on a wedding dress and realizes she can't marry Aiden).  And, I like my dress...I love my dress.  However, I could not breathe in my dress.  Today is a big big day....I need to breathe.


  1. Loved the first line of this post. It's like something happened to your dress and you were disappointed in yourself b/c the last words you said to it weren't so nice. lol
    Hope all goes well today. And make sure you tell your dress what it means to you before you leave this time. ;)

  2. I can mail you some aniety pills if you want or just hit up gramma-great meds LOL... you'll be fine ...
