A few months ago, we let our family and friends in on a little something special -- we're having a baby!! As any giver or receiver of such news knows, the next questions are 1) When are you due? 2) Are you going to find out?
The first question is easy to answer. Baby Johnson is due on August 29, 2012. While I know that babies rarely decide to make an entrance on their due date, this one has a very special due date, making us even more hopeful that our baby is an exception. (And if Baby J takes after his/her Papa, it will be on time. If Baby J takes after his/her mama, well, then it's anyones guess). Baby Johnson's scheduled arrival would give him/her a shared birthday with one of my favorite people, my Grandma Wiese. So, here's hoping for a baby that follows doctors orders and shows up as planned!
The second question, are you going to find out, was a little harder to answer. When I asked Brad (the non-planner in the family) if he wanted to find out, he answered a definitive YES (for planning purposes). When he asked me (the planner in the family) the same question, I answered a definitive NO. Hmmmmm - how would we settle this debate? Maybe a foot race, winner chooses...wait, that's not fair, cause I can't run very well anymore. Maybe an eating contest, winner chooses...wait, that's not fair, cause Brad can't keep up with the appetite of his pregnant wife. So, I gave him the wifely ultimatum - win me over with a creative way to reveal the gender and I'll find out.
Long story short, he pitched me an idea that made me a believer. Being the resourceful husband he is, he quickly identified just the person who could make our gender reveal plan perfectly personal. He knows me well enough to know that if he can make it "personal", he'll have me hook, line, and sinker. His secret weapons -- my mom, who just happens to be an OBGYN and has been dying to take some ultrasound pictures of her grandchild and my step-dad, Jim, who loves to take regular pictures. With a few builds, tweaks, and creative embellishments courtesy of pinterest, we landed on a gender reveal plan that I couldn't pass up! Just a few days ago, we put the plan into action and we can't wait to share what we learned! (Viewer note - after you start the video, you might have to close out an ad or two that appears at the bottom of the screen. If you don't close it, it will block the text and you just might miss the story!)
BABY JOHNSON - Girl or Boy??
That is just e cutest thing ever. Congratulations!