Sunday, December 23, 2012

Baby's First Christmas Pinstrosity

Oh dear! I don't even know where to start this post. Since I'm lacking words, I'm going to let pictures do all the talking...

It's Caleb's first Christmas.  Everyone knows that Baby's First Christmas is one of the big hallmark milestones of a baby's first year.  Even though he has no idea what Christmas is, there is still a pressure to make it memorable.  Enter Pinterest, the go-to gallery of DIY memory making ideas. In my quest for fun, relatively easy ways to make this holiday memorable for years to come, I found this inspiration...

Looks easy enough, right.  A little bitty handprint or footprint on an ornament. Simple. Piece of cake. How hard can this be?   As I imagine the finished product, my mind paints a picture of me hanging this ornament on our tree (we will have a tree by then) and reminiscing of how sweet and tiny his little hands once were..... (everyone say awwwwww).  Ok, back to reality.

It's 2 days before Christmas and we finally find time to gather the materials needed to make our ornament.  Because we know it is going to be absolutely adorable and FLAWLESS, we decided to buy multiple ornaments to give to family as Christmas gifts.  What grandparents wouldn't want baby keepsakes? It's so brilliant that I can hardly wait to see the finished product.

Let's start.

This was our before/set up picture.  I'm no newbie to pinterest projects so I'm all too familiar with the dreaded pintrosity (a pinterest project gone wrong).  I love visiting and belly laughing at EVERYONE ELSE'S pinterest mishaps.  In an effort to avoid a pinstrosity of my own, I did my research on making handprint ornaments.  I learned, what I thought at the time, was the secret hint to a handprint masterpiece -- put the print on a paper towel and then transfering the print from the paper towel to the ornament. Knowing that would be our approach, we set up the table.  We even did a few "dry runs" to make sure we knew who was doing what steps (yes, you need 2 people to complete this!) I'm feeling even more confident now.  So, without further adieu, here is our first print...

Stop laughing!!! Yes, that's a hand...well, actually, it started as a print and quickly turned into a clenched fist that I tried to wrestle back into a print. We knew keeping his hand spread would be a huge challenge as his favorite way to hold his hand is clenched in a fist, inserted into his mouth.  Soooo, we had already decided that if we couldn't unclench his hand, we would do a footprint instead. A footprint sounded much easier anyway.  We would have his body weight to help make the print and we wouldn't have to worry about spreading his toes or unclenching his foot.  Keeping with the approach of placing the print on the paper towel first and then transferring it onto the ornament, this is our first footprint attempt:

Not too bad.  Here is how it transferred to the ornament:

Whhaaaaaaaaaaat happened?! I feel betrayed!! The woman on the blog made it sound like transferring the print was easy peasy.  Not so much, lady!!! In between laughing fits, I decided to go rouge and just put the print directly on the ornament. 

Ok, that worked so much better, but still doesn't look like the original pin. I'm not finished trying yet - I still have a few more takes in me.  Being all about continuous improvement, we decided the paint wasn't adhering to the ornament so we moved on to baby safe ink.  Unfortunately, all I had was black, but I was determined to make it work!  Take 3, 4, 5...

Then, we realized that the baby safe ink would never completely dry onto the ornament.  So, as long as no one ever touches the ornament, it should be fine! 

The original pin vs. our footprint.

Sigh.  Well, we did our best to create a baby's first Christmas handprint ornament, but we sure did come up short!  We had a good time and we laughed hysterically at our mishap(s).  While we won't be keeping the actual ornaments, I'm sure we will keep the ornaments alive in our memories for years to come!

While the ink/paint attempt was a fail, I had another handprint keepsake kit that uses a clay-like substance to make a mold of the print.  We made a few handprints and footprints and are waiting for them to dry.  I'm still hopeful that we will end up with something good from that experiment.  If not, you'll probably see a blog with that pinstrosity soon.  :)  Merry Christmas everyone!! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Big Reveal

A few months ago, we let our family and friends in on a little something special -- we're having a baby!! As any giver or receiver of such news knows, the next questions are 1) When are you due? 2) Are you going to find out? 

The first question is easy to answer.  Baby Johnson is due on August 29, 2012.  While I know that babies rarely decide to make an entrance on their due date, this one has a very special due date, making us even more hopeful that our baby is an exception. (And if Baby J takes after his/her Papa, it will be on time.  If Baby J takes after his/her mama, well, then it's anyones guess). Baby Johnson's scheduled arrival would give him/her a shared birthday with one of my favorite people, my Grandma Wiese.  So, here's hoping for a baby that follows doctors orders and shows up as planned! 

The second question, are you going to find out, was a little harder to answer.  When I asked Brad (the non-planner in the family) if he wanted to find out, he answered a definitive YES (for planning purposes).  When he asked me (the planner in the family) the same question, I answered a definitive NO.  Hmmmmm - how would we settle this debate? Maybe a foot race, winner chooses...wait, that's not fair, cause I can't run very well anymore.  Maybe an eating contest, winner chooses...wait, that's not fair, cause Brad can't keep up with the appetite of his pregnant wife.  So, I gave him the wifely ultimatum - win me over with a creative way to reveal the gender and I'll find out. 

Long story short, he pitched me an idea that made me a believer. Being the resourceful husband he is, he quickly identified just the person who could make our gender reveal plan perfectly personal. He knows me well enough to know that if he can make it "personal", he'll have me hook, line, and sinker.  His secret weapons -- my mom, who just happens to be an OBGYN and has been dying to take some ultrasound pictures of her grandchild and my step-dad, Jim, who loves to take regular pictures. With a few builds, tweaks, and creative embellishments courtesy of pinterest, we landed on a gender reveal plan that I couldn't pass up!  Just a few days ago, we put the plan into action and we can't wait to share what we learned!  (Viewer note - after you start the video, you might have to close out an ad or two that appears at the bottom of the screen.  If you don't close it, it will block the text and you just might miss the story!)

BABY JOHNSON - Girl or Boy??