Monday, August 8, 2011

My second date with Helen

I read her bio and I liked what she had to say. I thought, “I’d like to meet this girl, I think I might really like her!” So, one morning, I made a date to meet the famous “Helen”. Within minutes of our introduction, she was whipping me around, beating me down, and calling me names. She nearly killed me.  
At this point, I should probably clarify that I’m not talking about a real interaction with a woman named Helen, but rather, I’m talking about the well known crossfit workout named Helen.  At this point, all three of you that read my blog are asking, "What is Crossfit?"  Well, here's a Youtube video that portrays it better than my words ever could... 
What is Crossfit
Those of you who know me well know that I love a physical challenge.  When Brad came home talking about "Crossfit" and "WODs" (workout of the day), he knew I'd only have one question, "when can we start?"
And start we did!  This week marks 19 weeks since our first crossfit class and our first date with "Helen".  Over the last 19 weeks, we've come along way.  We can now do pull ups, wall walks, and handstand push ups.  Like all other crossfitters, we have a love/hate relationship with "fight gone bad", we constantly underestimate Grace, Helen, Annie, and "the girls", and we are filled with respect and admiration for "murph", "danny", "griff", and the other heroes behind crossfit's "hero WODs".    
And, tomorrow, after 19 weeks, we will revisit day one.  We will meet Helen again.  While I'd love to say that she won't hurt me as bad the second time around, we all know that would be a lie.  She will hurt me just as bad, but this time, I'm hoping it doesn't take her as long.  See you soon Helen...

If you are interested in learning more about Crossfit, check out the links below: